

Mural and street wall Art Painting

Mural art is my primary creative genie Service. I design and paint custom Murals for small businesses, in order to bring beauty and colour to their space and help turn their boring walls, into a local landmark, in or to assist brick and mortar businesses to stand out in their communities.



Whether it’s poster, merch, character or logo design, I possess the ancient skill of Illustration and professional drawing. I have been practising illustration for over 20 years and have been illustrating for all sorts of clients professionally for over 6 years. Need a new sticker designed for your barber shop, or a custom drawing for your mums next birthday card, I can make that happen, with the snap of my fingers and the on button of my iPad.


Are you an aspiring artist looking to take your skills to the next level? Look no further! Our artist tutoring and mentoring program is here to help you unleash your creativity and bring your masterpieces to life.

Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to improve your technique, I will work with you one-on-one to help you achieve your goals. We offer a supportive, laid-back environment where you can ask questions, receive personalised feedback, and grow as an artist.

So why wait? Let's bring out the Salvador Dali or Frida Khalo in you and make some magic! Sign up for our artist tutoring and mentoring program today.

Custom Painted Skateboards

Got an old skateboard in the garage that hasn’t been used in years but you always wanted to hang it on the wall? Or maybe you collect skateboard decks and hang them in perfect alignment on the lifeless walls. I’ll paint your custom design, or choose from my catalogue of custom designs just like when you got that tramp stamp back in ‘02.

Painted denim jackets

Do you have an old denim jacket that is collecting dust and both ball, but you don’t want to get rid of it because it was your mum’s from the 80’s? Maybe you simply have dreamed since you were a wee pigmy, that you might one day have a Denim jacket with a design that encapsulates your essence as an individual painted on the back of it? As one of my gifts from the gods i was handed this idea when I pulled my old and dusty jacket out of my closet and gave it new life with the magic of paint and colour.