#98. The Creative Hero's Journey: Answering The Call To Greatness and Becoming the Chosen One In Your Creative World! Part. 2

#98 - Making Lemonade - Youtube Thumbnail.jpg

The Call To Action 

It’s that ringing in our ear, it’s the sound of the horns and it’s the awakening with in.

The call to action is arguably the most important part of the journey. 

You see for when you are called you must answer because this calling is for you to do something major, huge and life changing.

This call to action is the first step into the new world.

The call however should not be taken lightly as it is in fact the most important decision of your life.

If you decide to follow this call to action your entire journey your entire being will change forever. 

This is a motion of fate.

This is the universe telling you that you are the hero and the hero must stand and fight for what is most important.

The call to action is not only the call to you but this is the moment where you the hero must realise that you are a historic figure now, you must realise that you will change the course of history and become a legend. 

If you are not willing to do that, like most won’t be. 

You must think hard about this decision.

This moment can come in a few different forms, so be aware that something is coming.

One is the message, perhaps a message will come your way from an unknown source, it could be a droid carrying a message from a princess or the ocean carrying a heart stone, it could even be a ring handed on to you by your uncle.

This message should be evident in it’s meaning but that it is a call to action is not always clear.

You see the message is there for you my fellow creative. 

It will be right there, you just need to be ready to see it.

Not unlike the sleeping giant, if you do not awaken your awareness, you may never see the passing message.


This is where one of two things can happen, you can take a message and like Luke run with it.

Well after your uncle and aunty die, I suppose you can go and learn to be a Jedi like your father before you.

So I suppose even Luke refused the call because he had to do his chores even after seeing that bad arse lightsaber of his dads. 

I mean come on that would have been my turning point for sure.

Any ways, so Luke kind of volunteered but I suppose in the case of Frodo he most definitely volunteered when Gandalf told him he must take the ring to Mordor. 

The point being that in the call to action, reality will test the protagonist, ie, you the creative, at this point in the journey, to see if you are ready for this call. 

If you are willing to answer it. 

Sometimes you may even just need a little push, like being forced into the call to action by reality and it’s serendipitous circumstances.

For instance Neo goes through this when he runs into trinity.

The hero is bound to face resistance at some point in this stage of the journey, like having your uncle and aunty burnt to a crisp by storm troopers or your grandmother passing away right after she showed you the ancient ships of your ancestors.

The obstacles the hero will face here are inescapable and in most cases will force your hand. 

This is not abnormal, this is all part of the journey, part of the story, for if there were no obstacles to surpass than how could you become the hero?

This call to action my friends, as creatives may come in the form of a job interview or opportunity. 

It may come in the form of a project. 

A massive seemingly insurmountable project, that somewhere deep inside you, you know that it is the chosen one, the one that will change your life and your creative career for good. 

However, maybe you have ignored the call. 

Maybe you have told yourself that it’s too big for you or that you're not ready.

You are ready it’s always been inside you, you just need to be willing to live up to it.


The Refusal Of The Call!

This is a pinnacle moment in the Hero’s journey and the reason why she becomes the hero in the first place.

Think about it,  Jesus and Superman, they don’t necessarily become The Saviour until they are both 33!

Don’t you think it would take you 33 years to come to terms with the fact that you are the world’s saviour?

Hell I would refuse the shit out of that, I’m not even ready to be a father yet let alone a saviour. 

So of course Characters like Neo, Luke Skywalker, Rey and Moana would refuse the call. 

No one is ready to take the responsibility of being The Chosen One.

The hero of the story absolutely has to refuse the call otherwise they aren’t the hero.

You wouldn’t want a narcissistic self absorbed saviour would you?

Hell what good is someone who is ready?

We need a valuable, flexible naive being to be ready to become the hero.

I can tell you right now that if the hero does not refuse the call, then they are not the hero. 

The hero will have to come to terms with the fact that they are indeed the hero of this story.

You are the hero of your story and only you can save this world.

Your world, your own personal internal world is all in your control but of course you are going to refuse that call because we are hardwired to stray from danger and the unknown because it means our guaranteed survival if we do. 

However if you want to achieve the extra-ordinary, you are going to have to do something about the fact that you are afraid of the unknown.

Courage is not the absence of fear, it is in spite of it.

You the hero, will come face to face with fear, you will have to face the fear you have so comfortably let control you and your actions, up until this very point.

You are going to have to face the unknown if you want to be the hero.

Your previous world, the one you know now, will become unbiased, it will become a place that you once lived and resided in. 

This means you will have to come to terms with the fact that the way you lived up until now, will never be the way you live again, and that is okay. 

That is good because the world you will come to know at the end of your journey, will be the one you took a part in evolving.

That world is simply a part of you, not who you are anymore and the opinions of that world will not matter any longer.

The guardian of the gate will test you, the gate to the new world, the future.

This, in stories, can sometimes be literal, and other times metaphorical.

This is Luke sneaking out the droids on the millennium falcon and the Storm Troopers, who are looking for the droids.

This is the agents sticking that weird robot thing in Neo’s ear and trying to kill his human body before he wakes up.

This is Anakin, pod racing, or Moana’s father trying to burn down the ancient boats. 

The gate keeper will test you, the gate keeper will put doubt and fear in your mind and you must be ready to say no!

The gate keepers could also be an internal struggle, or the energy of past trauma, telling you no.

So deal with it!

Deal with your trauma, your struggle, make steps towards dealing with it because where we are going we can’t have trauma holding us back.

I implore you if you are at this step in your creative journey, this is most defiantly the time to see someone and do what you must to deal with the scars of your past, otherwise there is no moving forward.

At this point the hero must find a mirror of themselves, or rather mirror themselves in the light of the person they want to be.

They may even have to find empathy at this point with another, in the way that Harry does with his uncle or Rey does with BB-8.

The mirror here is the critical factor, the way the sub-conscious projects itself upon the hero here is very important because the hero must soon make a choice and if they do not have empathy and understanding for others than how are they supposed to make the next step into the new world?

This here as a creative is where we need to understand, that if we do not let go of fear, fear of the future, fear of the past repeating itself, fear of our own failure than how on earth are we going to become the hero of our own stories?

How on earth will we be capable of becoming what we want to be and complete the journey if we do not find some empathy for others?

If we are not able to move ourselves forward and work through our own personal fears and doubts and trauma, how are we supposed to be a hero for others?

Creativity is the force here, it’s magic, it’s the ocean, it’s forces of good. 

However for us to truely harness it and succeed in our own personal hero’s journey’s as creatives, we must first solve our own personal problems.

The refusal of the call is the one thing we will all come across in our own stories.

We will find that if we just face the call and face all that scares us, sometimes you may just find, that which you feared so much you are more than capable of!

Jordan Morpeth