#94. 3 Ways To Get Better At Your Craft and Stop Overthinking About Your Creative Work!





Ever seen a freight train move?

The freight train is an unstoppable locomotive.

Even if you are moving slow, keep moving.

Even if you feel like you can’t keep going, often that’s a sign that you just have to hold on for that tiny bit longer because you’ll find your next big break, your next upgrade, your next move right on the other side of that feeling.

Have you ever felt the burning in your thighs, the pain in your lungs, the fire in your spirit that tells you if you fucking give up now you will be forever regretful?

Have you ever felt that pit in your stomach that you get when you go to a job that you know you hate and you regret being at every single day?

Well, you will. 

I got good at what I do by turning up every day and just working, trying new things, putting in my reps at my iPad and learning all I could about myself and the way my craft fits into my particular style of expression.

Your style does not come from what you do right but rather what you do wrong. The mistakes we make define us because it’s how we learn from those mistakes and how we integrate them into our lives that makes us special.

What is your purpose, what is your Ikigai?

Find your purpose and what makes you, you then you will find your reason for getting up of a morning!


For goodness sake stop thinking.

Stop whinging, whining, moaning groaning.

Stop aching your head and breaking your heart.

Stop making sure that everything you do isn’t worth shit.

Stop making sure you fail. 

Stop making up all this bullshit in your head that you’re not good enough for your dreams and just start doing.

Stop making excuses and loosely excusing yourself for not being the best you can be.

Stop complaining about what you don’t have and start being grateful for what you do have.

Stop telling yourself you are fat ugly or you don’t deserve love.

Stop telling others that you're bad at math or can’t save money.

Stop saying in both mine and other artists comment sections that you wish you could draw like me and just draw.

Stop telling people all about your ideas and just start one of them.

Stop using others as your inspiration and to prop you up and be your own inspiration.

Stop telling yourself that you can’t be happy.

Stop telling your friends every time you see them you aren’t okay

Stop letting the media do your thinking for you.

Stop letting social media do your thinking for you.

Stop worrying about where other people are at in their lives and maybe ask them how they are because you just might find they aren’t as happy as they're last post states.

Stop going into scroll holes and start going into inspiration holes, creative holes and idea holes.

Stop letting your emotions control you.

Emotions are there to tell you how to feel about something and whether to be cautious about something or not, they are not to there to control your every move. 

Stop letting your thoughts control you because they are simply that, just fucking thoughts.

They are like whispers in the wind, so start treating them like that and catch ideas not emotions.


Just arrrrgggghhhh! 

Why does that fucking sad sack in your comments section mean anything to you?

Why does the opinion of a stranger who is so scared to show their face, that they make themselves anonymous and comment horrible things on strangers content, just to make themselves feel better, mean anything to you?

Feel sympathy for them not for yourself because you were just unlucky that they picked you to pick on that day.

Stop counting everything you have done wrong, and start counting everything you have done right.

Why does your mum's opinion matter to you?

It’s not her life it’s yours.

If you want to go to music school or become a rockstar and live in a van for the next 3 years, while you tour the dive bars of the country you live in, with the music you wrote then just fucking do it.

Why does anyone else’s opinion matter to you?

Seriously have you asked yourself that question ever?

Why does it matter? 

They are not the ones who spend all the time with the projects that you make. 

I can tell you what I think of your work and yes defiantly get professional feedback, as much as you can, but don’t use it as ammo against yourself. 

Learn to understand the difference between constructive criticism and aimless mindless bullying.

As a matter of fact fuck bullies.

Start standing up for yourself.

Start making and being the change that you want to see in the world.

Stop complaining about how the world is against you, and manifest your own destiny.

If you want something go out and get it, other people’s opinions will not get you there.

Especially when you worry about what they think.  

Is there a gatekeeper in your way? 

Then go and find another way into the castle.

Scale the wall like batman.

Ride a unicorn over it.

Catapult a boulder threw it. 

I don’t care about how you do it just find another way.

Just stop worrying about what others think and worry about what you think.

Does it make you happy then fuck them and what they think, find the people who love what you love and show them instead.

Do you think I built my community on people who don’t like me or my work?

No of course not.

Just do yourself a favour and listen to your gut.

That part just between the bottom of your rib cage and your naval is the part that will tell you whether or not something is right to do. 

Stop stop stop listening to others and just do!


In their book Ikigai The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy LifeHector Garcia and Francesc Miralles break down the ten rules that can help anyone find their own ikigai.

1. Stay active and don’t retire

2. Leave urgency behind and adopt a slower pace of life

3. Only eat until you are 80 per cent full

4. Surround yourself with good friends

5. Get in shape through daily, gentle exercise

6. Smile and acknowledge people around you

7. Reconnect with nature

8. Give thanks to anything that brightens our day and makes us feel alive.

9. Live in the moment

10. Follow your ikigai


Thank you so much for listening, 

I love you all. 


If you want any more information on or just want to read the transcript from this weeks episode you can find the blog version on my website along with man online store and all things The lemonade podcast network at www. jordanmorpethart.com and also please feel free to contact me on Instagram @jordanmorpethart, Tik Tok @jordancandraw and Twitter @jordanmorpeth

The links are all below in the episode notes. 


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Thank you all again,

I love you so much.

I’ve been your host Jordan

And as always guys, 

Stay Weird!

Jordan Morpeth